Legal notices
Publisher information
Head office: 4, avenue du Coq – 75009 Paris
Telephone number: 01 44 94 91 91
Fax number: 01 44 94 91 92
Mail contact:
Intracom VAT number: FR76 379427420
RCS number: 379427420
Share capital: SAS with capital of €100,000
Designer Information
Company name: Vigicorp
Head office: 49 quai Émile Cormerais, Bâtiment C. 44 800 Saint-Herblain.
Telephone number: 02 28 03 55 51
Hosting information
Data Protection Act
In accordance with article 32 of law no. 78-17, we inform you that personal data (civil status, nominative population census lists, electoral lists, inheritance and absence tables, matriculation register tables, death notices, etc.) are processed automatically by the genealogical firm ADD & Associés for the purpose of finding heirs.
The data collected is strictly for internal use by the firm.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act (art. 38 et seq.), you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. You may also object to processing on legitimate grounds.
To exercise your rights, please contact :
by post to ADD & Associés – M. Le Délégué à la Protection des Données – 4, avenue du Coq 75009 Paris,
or at
The Data Protection Officer for the ADD & Associés group is Mrs Aurélie ROGER, 4, avenue du Coq, 75009 Paris.