The right
to inherit


Searching for an heir is more than merely a question of assets. It's also a question of the law, of fairness, and of taking into account the human dimension as well as understanding the multitude of transformations society is undergoing.

Research, Reveal, Represent

ADD Associés and probate genealogy: a history of expertise and passion

Founded in Paris in 1990 with the aim of driving the probate genealogy market forward by investing heavily in people, international expansion, legal expertise, and new technologies, the ADD Associés Group is now one of the world's leading trusted players in the field.

Plus sur ADD Asocciés
  • 180 Experts
  • 33 Offices around the world
  • 34 Years of experience
  • 4 Firm commitments

Our expertise in probate genealogy, combined with our international reach, enables us to provide efficient, fast, and personalized responses to a vast array of estate probate issues faced by legal professionals and private individuals.

Toutes les prestations
  • Checking for missing legal heirs with a reserved share. 

    Some heirs cannot be excluded from the estate, regardless of the wishes expressed in the deceased’ ...

  • Inactive bank accounts and escheated life insurance policies 

  • Verification of the list of entitled beneficiaries 

    The list of the entitled beneficiaries determines, in accordance with the orders of successors defin ...

  • Vacant and ownerless properties 

    Rundown buildings lead to lower property values, maintenance costs, unpaid charges, health or safety ...

  • Representation of heirs 

    Why should you be represented by a probate genealogist at the notary’s office when settling an est ...

  • Heir tracing

    Heir tracing can prove necessary for settling complicated estates. Notaries then call upon our skill ...

  • Provenance research for looted works of art 

    The Provenance Research department, headed by Eléonore Delabre, specializes in researching and retu ...

You are an heir

We’ll find you, assert your rights and represent you

Our mission as probate genealogists is to find heirs, identify, locate, and contact them to disclose the origin of their inheritance rights, and thereafter represent them during estate liquidation.

A member of our team of probate genealogists reached out to you because you were identified as an heir.
Our teams are at your disposition to answer all your questions.

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You are a professional

ADD Associés, a partner who knows how to listen

We make quality and responsiveness the cornerstones of the relationships we build with the professionals who commission us.
That's why we invest heavily in human resources, technology, and international expansion, so that we can support you effectively as you conduct your business, with complete peace of mind and within a legally secure framework.

    A single dedicated contact
  • Logo ADD Connect blanc
    Your records 24/7
  • Picto ADD Equipe
    More than 15,000 professionals trust us
  • Picto Data Blanc
    ADD DATA +500 million indexed data records
  • Picto ADD Monde
    International research capabilities
  • pictogramme arbre généalogique
    Digital Genealogical Chart
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