Your genealogist in Le Mans - ADD BERNARD

Established in 2021, the Le Mans office is headed by Marion Huberdeau, a qualified notary attorney.
The opening of this office expands the presence of ADD BERNARD and is headed by Jérôme Bernard in the Loire region.

Le Mans

Office address
42 avenue de Gaulle
72000 LE MANS
+33 (0)2 43 25 63 36
Contact the office
  • Jerome Bernard ADD ASSOCIES

    Jérôme BERNARD Associate Director

  • Marion Huberdeau ADD ASSOCIES

    Marion HUBERDEAU Regional Manager

3 departments in France covered

  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Mayenne
  • Sarthe

Our expertise in probate genealogy

Probate genealogists are the preferred contacts of notaries, who mainly commission them in matters concerning heirship to verify the list of entitled beneficiaries or to search for missing heirs.
ADD Associés also supports other legal professionals through a tailored array of services.

Why choose Le Mans?

Le Mans, with its dynamism and central role in the Pays de la Loire region, is a strategic choice for our office. The city, recognized for its historical and economic significance, is a crucial crossroads for the legal sector in this part of France. Its geographical location in the heart of the region allows us to ensure closer proximity to our local clients and partners while providing specialized expertise in inheritance genealogy. This establishment enables us to respond quickly to the needs of legal professionals and heirs, while benefiting from a deep understanding of local specifics.

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